How is Your Hormone Health? A Woman’s Test
How can we take the negative association with the word “hormones” as it relates to a woman? Because it is usually implied that there is an imbalance causing undesirable moods or side effects, we don’t often think happy thoughts with the word hormone, but we can.
The truth is, that while hormones can cause much disruption in the mind and body when they’re off balance, hormones can also support our feelings of well-being and healthy body systems when they’re just right.
There are several identifying features of hormonal imbalance in a woman, but, here’s a test to know if your hormones are out of whack.
Signs of Hormone Imbalance in Women
- Menstrual periods are irregular
- Hot flashes or night sweats
- Severe PMS symptoms (cramps, nausea, and headaches)
- Feeling irritable or sad
- Feel overwhelmed
- Difficulty falling/staying asleep
- Lack of interest in sex
- Feeling anxious
- Forgetful
- Weight gain in the past year (especially in the mid-section)
- Vaginal dryness.
- Drying of the hair or skin
- Fragile or thinning hair
If you answered yes to any of the first three questions, or any 3 overall, you are likely experiencing the effects of imbalances of estrogen and progesterone and should seek a remedy, an organic one if possible.
How Do Hormones Get Imbalanced?
Other than genetic disposition, there are a number of diet and lifestyle choices that affect the body’s ability to regulate two closely related body processes: hormones and neurotransmitter production.
A major contributor to hormone disruption come from the use of chemicals in our diet and lifestyle. Pesticides and harmful chemicals permeate our foods and body products, accumulate in the body, and directly affect the activity of our endocrine system. This is why we advocate an organic diet and lifestyle to the most complete extent possible.
Related: 4 Bad Ingredients in Your Skin Care Products
Further, the foods we eat affect our brain’s ability to produce dopamine and serotonin which are closely linked to estrogen and progesterone function.
5 foods to drop right now to remedy hormone imbalance:
- Hydrogenated oils
(margarine and other partially hydrogenated oils) - Sweeteners
(agave, high-fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners) - Alcohol
- Caffiene
- Deli meats
- Non-organic fruits and vegetables
Why Imbalanced Hormones Cause Mood Swings and Forgetfulness
The endocrine system is highly complicated, so we won’t be able to get into all the details, but here’s a brief:
The hormone estrogen is a sex steroid that is closely related to the activity of cortisol and, the neurotransmitter, serotonin. Serotonin is greatly implicated in the modulation of mood and cognition, and cortisol is a stress hormone often stored in the body when in excess.
Estrogen dominance is a common for women and requires progesterone to keep it in check, while a deficiency of estrogen presents a load of other problems. When estrogen is off balance, your moods and brain function is similarly off.
Put these two together, and you have a fantastic recipe for depression or anxiety. Finding a remedy for balancing them is crucial to well-being.
The Perpetuation of Disease from Imbalanced Estrogen and Progesterone
It’s important to remedy the balance of estrogen and progesterone because once depression or anxiety start to roll, they can snowball into many other problems in the mind and body. These issues perpetuate not only their own state of disorder, they create dysbiosis in the gut, compromised immune system, and other diseases-causing issues long term.
Because of the strong affect estrogen and progesterone have on a host of other hormones and transmitters in the body, when they are off balance, there is disease and discomfort in the mind and body.
These hormones levels (often related to women), can be supported through healthy lifestyle choices and remedies with natural herbs and nutrients.
Related: Hormone Balance Lifetstyle Tips for Women
Signs of Estrogen and Progesterone Balance
The easy answer is that the body is disease-free, generally speaking, when progesterone and estrogen are balanced. The synergistic activity of these two hormones influence so many body systems that their harmony is vital for overall wellness.
Every woman is different, but when menopause sets in, progesterone will drop to zero, leaving estrogen running wild still at 40-60% from their pre-menopausal levels. The way this affects a woman will range from person to person, but at this point, with estrogen dominating the hormone range, women are at a higher risk for breast cancer, cardiovascular disease, fibroids and other ailments.
Balancing Hormones with Supplementation
Supporting balanced hormones through supplementation can be simple and safe. Women’s Hormonal Balance can help with the most studied natural nutrients to balance female hormones.
The ingredients in Women’s Hormonal Balance work to remove toxic estrogens, normalize and stimulate progesterone production, and address symptoms related to hormone imbalance.
Cites and References
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J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2016 Feb;156:1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2015.10.010. Epub 2015 Oct 27. Pesticide chlorpyrifos acts as an endocrine disruptor in adult rats causing changes in mammary gland and hormonal balance. Ventura C1, Nieto MR1, Bourguignon N2, Lux-Lantos V2, Rodriguez H3, Cao G4, Randi A5, Cocca C1, Núñez M6.