The new “tan” is a healthy glow from naturally pale skin.

It used to be that dark, tanned skin was the way to go. But as that fad led to prematurely aging skin, women young and older have decided to keep out of the sun and protect from sun-damage.

The new trend is healthy skin, no matter what your personal skin tone is. And as important as protecting your skin from the sun is, so is an organic lifestyle. Organic foods and sunscreens are the best way to keep your skin youthful and healthy from the inside and the outside.

How Sun Damages Skin and Ages You Quick

We should know by now, that the number one way to have aged and damaged skin is to get too much exposure to the sun. Studies have long shown that the sun can actually cause the collagen and elastin in your skin to become deformed (1). This is the cause of sagging skin and enlarged pores.

How Chemicals Damage Your Skin

The long term effects of chemicals applied to the skin comes from the accumulation of these toxins in the body. Research shows that over time, these toxins wreak havoc on the endocrine system (hormones), and disrupt many of the body processes that affect overall health and beauty.

Specifically the body’s ability to produce collagen, renew cells, and other systems become compromised from years of toxic absorption through non-organic foods and beauty products.

 The skin displays the overall health of the body from the surface. Damaged body. Damaged skin.

Related: Organic Skin Care: How to Find the Best Ingredients

Keeping Protected from the Sun Organically

In the summer we are outside more, the sun is more intense and sometimes we skip the important steps of covering up, especially with sunscreen. Don’t forget to protect the number one organ that keeps you looking young… your skin!

  • Use a sunscreen of SPF 15 or more, preferably with organic ingredients, and after your moisturize
  • Make sure to apply enough and often
  • Even with sunscreen, do not allow your skin to get direct sun exposure for  prolonged periods of time (consider an umbrella or hat)
  • Use organic skin care products that are high in antioxidants, which will fight off damage to the cells

Following these guidelines will keep your skin from getting damaged from the sun. Allow your face and skin to age at the normal, healthy rate that it should.

Related: Don’t Let the Sun Bring You Down – Or Your Vitamin D

organic oils with natural SPF