The Fat for Healthy Aging: MCT
You may have heard of MCT oil, but why should you care?
MCT stands for “medium chain triglyceride”, or MCFAs, “medium chain fatty acids”. It is a type of saturated fat that is one of the buzziest oils right now due to the ketogenic diet popularity, and for their contributions towards healthy aging. MCT are easy to digest and even easier to add to your diet.
Here are some of the reasons why you should make sure to include some MCT in your diet each day:
Benefits of Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCT/MCFA)
These fatty acids serve various purposes in the body, such as building and protecting cell membrane structure, generating clean energy, and forming of nerve cells – all imperative aspects of aging. Not only do their benefits contribute to mental sharpness and age-related memory function, MCT are also highly satisfying. When balanced properly in the diet, they can help support healthy blood sugar levels, control appetite and torch calories at the same time.
But, MCT have been greatly missing from people’s diets in the Western world due to the “no fat” and “low fat” movements in recent years. Until recently, it’s been a widely held idea that saturated fats are a “no go” no matter what, leading to a deficiency in healthy fats in the modern diet. This has had a disastrous effect on how we age, not only inside the body, but appearing on our skin, hair, and nails, too.

Why Saturated Fats Are Important for Aging
For years, polyunsaturated, LCTs (“long chain triglycerides”), have been leading the way in healthy aging for their whole-body benefits for the heart, nervous system, and more. We also know that LCT, like those found in omega-3 fish oil help fight inflammation, protect the skin from sun damage and wrinkles, and promote skin hydration. Now, we’re learning more about MCT and how these important fats help balance the diet and support healthy aging.*
Just like LCT from fish oil, MCT from organic coconut oil has benefits related to heart health, weight control, and brain health. Ever wonder why some individuals, no matter their age, seem to have a healthy beautiful glow in their skin and strong, healthy hair? The secret is essential fats from MCT and LCT. The good news is that these essential fatty acids are now easier than ever to get into your anti-aging diet.
Healthy saturated and polyunsaturated fats help boost skin hydration, as well as protect collagen retention and age-sensitive tissues. For this reason, we created Collagen Creamer + MCT Oil (vanilla), and Norway Pure Omega-3 softgels.
What Is the Best Source of MCT OIl?
- Organic coconut Oil
Other Sources of MCT:
- Palm Kernal Oil
- Full-fat dairy products (From grass fed cows)
- Organic MCT oil concentrates (byproduct of organic coconut oil)
Benefits of Medium-Chain Fatty Acids For Beauty
- Maintain healthy weight/appetite (gives you that “full” feeling)
- Help raise your metabolic function (“torch calories”) to reduce stored body fat.*
- Produce energy (ketone energy)*
- Aids in cognitive function*
- Balance hormone levels*
- Strengthens cell structures (great for skin)*
Benefit the Entire Body : MCT, LCT, and Collagen
Just like collagen, a little concentration of good fat goes a long way. By adding 1 scoop of Collagen Creamer + MCT Oil to your coffee or tea each day, you can gain the benefits of these medium chain fatty acids and collagen together. This keto-friendly collagen is made with pasture raised, grass-fed bovine peptides and clean coconut MCT. No sugars or non-essential ingredients to ruin your diet. Plus it tastes delicious.
Adding a pure, distilled fish oil will round out your diet and bring whole body benefits.
“I’ve been adding your Collagen Creamer + MCT to my coffee every morning. I follow it up with 3 Norway Pure Omega-3 softgels. I can’t stress enough how much this has improved how I feel, plus my skin is better than it was 5 years ago..”

- Wang, Ying et al. “Medium Chain Triglycerides enhances exercise endurance through the increased mitochondrial biogenesis and metabolism.” PloS one vol. 13,2 e0191182. 8 Feb. 2018, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0191182
- Thomas, Dylan D et al. “Effects of medium chain triglycerides supplementation on insulin sensitivity and beta cell function: A feasibility study.” PloS one vol. 14,12 e0226200. 23 Dec. 2019, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0226200
- Gauza-Włodarczyk M, Kubisz L, Włodarczyk D. Amino acid composition in determination of collagen origin and assessment of physical factors effects. Int J Biol Macromol. 2017;104(Pt A):987-991. doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2017.07.013
- Bolke, Liane et al. “A Collagen Supplement Improves Skin Hydration, Elasticity, Roughness, and Density: Results of a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Blind Study.” Nutrients vol. 11,10 2494. 17 Oct. 2019, doi:10.3390/nu11102494
- Mumme, Karen, and Welma Stonehouse. “Effects of medium-chain triglycerides on weight loss and body composition: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.” Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics vol. 115,2 (2015): 249-63. doi:10.1016/j.jand.2014.10.022